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the all-time best scenic drive in Zurich, Switzerland

“Switzerland would be a mighty big place if it were ironed flat” — Mark Twain

Well Mr. Twain… if Switzerland were ironed flat, the all-time best scenic drive wouldn’t exist now would it?

This is honestly the best starter I could think of… In all seriousness though, if you’re planning to visit Zurich, Switzerland — and want to experience the Swiss mountains like a true Swiss — just keep reading :)

Personally, I grew up watching and reading Heidi; so visiting Switzerland had been on my bucket list for years. I was finally able to tick it off about 3 years ago. And might I add, it was absolutely amazing… truly 5 year old sude’s wish come true. Not only did I visit Heididorf (which deserves its own blog post), I also ran into one of the best scenic drives i’ve ever seen! Which brings me to the point of this post…

Heididorf in Switzerland!
at the entrance of Heididorf!

...drum roll pleaseeeee…

Malbun, LI, Switzerland!

Just a tiny bit of factual information… Malbun, Switzerland is the go-to holiday resort in Liechtenstein, Switzerland. Its steep slopes result in perfect skiing conditions, as well as a perfect drive through the slopes. The ski resort causes not only beautiful scenery in the winter, but also in the summer; which makes it an ideal touristic location.

Now the scenic drive route name you have all been waiting for: A13. The route includes scenery for all of its length! Typically, it’s the route from central Zurich to Malbun, but because of Malbun’s steepness, it feels like you’re flying! Here's the exact route I took from Heididorf to a beautiful restaurant in Malbun (keep reading), which lasted around 40 minutes. It’s one of those sights where you can’t truly explain it; you need to experience it. Which brings me to my favourite part of the trip…

On the top of the mountain, which concludes the scenic drive, lays a small restaurant called Walserhof. There, I tasted cheese fondue for the first time… it was the most HEAVENLY cheese fondue that I have ever tasted. Although that doesn’t say much, you need to trust me on this one. Aside from the marvellous food, the location is incredibly cozy. You know that feeling when you enter a hot room after staying in negative degrees for hours? Or the feeling when you have been in the cold for too long just to enter your house and switch into your cozy, warm pjs? Imagine that, but add the familiar scent of home-cooked yet amazing food. Out of this world.

here's me looking at the menu at Walserhof in Malbun, LI, Switzerland
here's me looking at the menu at Walserhof in Malbun, LI, Switzerland

This post has mostly been me drooling over past experiences (mostly food), not being able to describe the true sense of going on this scenic drive. But I assure you; for any Heidi fans out there — with dreams like mine — you have not lived unless you have experienced Heididorf and Malbun…

Now that you’ve read this post, you can officially pack your bags and run away… what are you waiting forrr, go get that eye candy!

Thank you sooo much for reading, have a flabbergasting day :)

Stay tuned,

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